After being a stressed software engineer in high tech industry for more than 10 years, I finally found the peace and balance in my life from practicing yoga. Yoga has helped me calm my mind, strengthen my body, and obtain a better idea about who I am. I loved yoga so much that I decided to complete my teacher training at San Francisco's Yoga Tree in 2012, where I specialized in Vinyasa Flow. Currently I am teaching yoga in Taipei, Taiwan.
In this modern busy world, we all get lost and distracted by external forces from time to time. I would like to encourage everyone to develop a habit to observe themselves from inside, work on what they really need, and eventually achieve a balanced life. I believe everyone can get benefits from practicing yoga, physically and mentally, and also apply the same philosophy to any aspect in life. When we learn how to breathe and balance on a yoga mat, we will also be able to do the same in our lives.
I would like to give very special thanks an amazing yoga teacher in San Francisco, who has always inspired me to be a good yoga teacher, who gave me his beautiful Genesha statue before I returned to Taiwan and wished me overcome all the obstacles along the path, who is also one of the most genuine people I have ever met in my life - Tony Eason. Thank you, Tony!
"The purpose of my teaching is to help people connect body and mind, be aware of the presence of life, and search for inner peace."